Quality Issues
1.Is the product size wrong with tolerance? Let Shou Long help you.
To avoid inaccuracy of personal product inspection, we introduced KEYENCE Automatic Measuring Equipment for quality control and first article inspection . We finish high-precision measurement with total automation.
2.Does the product burr exceed tolerance? Let Shou Long help you.
We have many thickness sieve sorters, which can pick out products over thickness tolerance.
3.Is the product thickness off-standard? Let Shou Long help you.
The thickness of electroplating will influence the product's corrosion resistance. As a result, we purchase X-Ray Fluorescence Coating Thickness Testers in order to ensure product quality.
4.Does the product brittle? Let Shou Long help you.
During the processing, heat treatment, pickling and electroplating, the mechanical performance may get worse and brittle due to the penetration of hydrogen atoms. Now, we have many Hot Air Circulation Drying Machines. After products are electroplated and dehydrogenated, they can effectively drive out the hydrogen atoms penetrating into the coating or the material matrix to avoid hydrogen embrittlement.
5.Is the product corrosion resistance off-standard?Let Shou Long help you.
Hardware products have to be tested with corrosion resistance ability, we equip Salt Spray Testers to check the corrosion degree.
6.Is there much impurity in products?Let Shou Long help you.
During the manufacturing process, we use vibration screener machines to separate impurity from products.
7.Is the product’s defective rate too high?Let Shou Long help you.
We have many optical sorting machines so as to improve product yield and lower error rate when doing the manual work.
8.Is the product film thickness not enough? Let Shou Long help you.
The thickness of electroplating will influence the product's corrosion resistance. As a result, we purchase X-Ray Fluorescence Coating Thickness Testers in order to ensure product quality.